
CELINA Training School 2016

In conjunction with FEBIP 2016, CELINA organizes a training school on FEBID covering practical aspects of FEBID such as instrumentation and precursor handling, topical developments in FEBID processes and simulation, as well as the fundamental electron-induced chemistry involved in deposit formation. The school that addresses young researchers offers a state-of-the art introduction to FEBID and will be able to host about 16 trainees to be selected from groups of CELINA participants.

Training school schedule

The training school will be held during three days and comprise nine tutorial sessions of which the last five are organized jointly with the FEBIP 2016 workshop.

Sunday, July 3th
Precursor chemistry: synthesis, suitability and handling (lecture)
Trainer: Dr. Sven Barth (TU Vienna, Austria)
Synopsis: The lecture will cover different aspects of precursor chemistry and the determination of the general suitability for FEBIP. Prominent examples of typically used precursors and the considerations in regard to their handling procedures will be discussed.
Precursor handling - a practical exercise
Trainer: Dr. Sven Barth (TU Vienna, Austria)
Synopsis: The safe handling of metalorganic precursors using Schlenk techniques and a glove box will be demonstrated and the participants will train how to use both techniques to do simple, but necessary tasks to ensure the integrity to the precursor species.
Fundamentals of electron-precursor interactions
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Petra Swiderek (University of Bremen, Germany)
Synopsis: This tutorial will introduce participants to the fundamental electron-molecule interactions leading to molecular dissociation and will summarize the current understanding of electron-induced fragmentation of FEBID precursors.
Monday, July 4th
Chemical processes in deposit formation
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Petra Swiderek (University of Bremen, Germany)
Synopsis: A wide range of different chemical reactions is involved in the formation of deposits in FEBID. This includes beside electron-driven processes thermal and catalytic reactions. These and surface science tools to investigate them will be discussed.
Modeling FEBIP Processes (FEBIP 2016)
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Milos Toth (University of Technology Sidney, Australia)
Synopsis: This tutorial will provide a step-by-step guide to public domain software for modeling of FEBIP. Its is intended for researchers who need tools for helping interpret experimental data, and to design application-specific FEBIP methods and precursor molecules. Prior knowledge of FEBIP modeling is not required.
Simulating Gas Flux with the GIS Simulator @ Empa (FEBIP 2016)
Trainer: Dr. Ivo Utke (Empa Thun, Switzerland)
Synopsis: We will present the use of a free-ware Monte Carlo based simulation program developed at Empa which calculates the distribution of gas molecules leaving a capillary and impinging on a Substrate.
Tuesday, July 5th
Technical Setup of FEBIP Instrumentation (FEBIP 2016)
Trainer: Dr. Hans Mulders (FEI Company, The Netherlands)
Synopsis: FEBIP experiments have a very wide parameter space. Some, such as vacuum and cleanliness, play a more important role. For consistent results it is important to apply best instrument practices and review / evaluate methods such as EDX in more detail.
Patterning Procedures and their Consequences (FEBIP 2016)
Trainer: Ass. Prof. Dr. Harald Plank (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
Synopsis: In this second tutorial the focus lies on the patterning details as they can strongly influence final morphologies as well as functionalities. This lecture starts with basic details such as pixel dwell times and point to point distances followed by patterning sequences and finally sheds light on the pathway to true 3D nano-printing.
Overview of Purification Strategies for Electron Beam Induced Deposition (FEBIP 2016)
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Philip D. Rack (University of Tennessee & Oak Ridge National Labs, US)
Synopsis: In this tutorial we will overview different purification strategies and try to capture the various contributions made by researchers across the world and attempt to establish a current state of the art and present pros and cons of each technique. Finally, we will elaborate some specific work our group is working on to solve the FEBID purity issues which include laser-assisted and electron stimulated reactions.

Application for trainee grants

CELINA offers financial support for trainees participating in the CELINA Training School 2016. Application is closed.

Training School information

Information on venue and accommodation is found here .